In 2022, Kevin Brady and his Electric Quartet found themselves heading in a groundbreaking new direction, inspired by a collaboration that would redefine their sound. Featuring the lyrical mastery of Seamus Blake on Tenor Saxophone and the ethereal textures of Bill Carrothers on Fender Rhodes, and long-time rhythm colleague bassist Dave Redmond, this ensemble has created a body of work that balances intricate jazz improvisation with deeply emotive resonance. It’s a sound that feels both timeless and daringly contemporary, pushing the boundaries of what modern jazz can be. Their last studio release on Ubuntu Records entitled Plan B was chosen as
One of the Jazz Albums of the Year by the iconic U.S. Magazine, Downbeat.
The inclusion of Seamus Blake’s searching, expressive saxophone and Carrothers’s atmospheric use of the Rhodes evokes a space of introspection, yet there’s an undercurrent of restless innovation that propels the music forward. The interplay within the quartet is mesmerising: the tender dialogue between Blake’s saxophone and Carrothers’s shimmering chords creates a deeply personal sonic landscape, while Brady’s rhythmic precision anchors the music with a quiet intensity.
The minimalist textures, reminiscent of ambient soundscapes, contrast beautifully with the bursts of improvisational energy, creating a dynamic that’s as intimate as it is expansive, include exploratory solos by the highly regarded bassist Redmond, and the assured and grooving playing by Brady, this quartet bridges the gap between modern jazz and electronica-tinged fusion. Even amid moments of melancholy, there’s a sense of forward motion – a reminder that, like any art born of reflection, their music is about finding the path ahead, and just when you think the quartet might be content to linger in introspection, they deliver something unexpected: a hard-swinging, groove-laden track that reminds listeners of the genre’s vibrant roots. The Kevin Brady Electric Quartet opens up an exciting new chapter for both its members and their audience.
About the Musicians
Kevin Brady is one of the most sought-after drummers on the music scene. As quoted by jazz critic, John Kelman of All About Jazz, “Brady is an impressive drummer with impeccable taste, creative and, most notably, terrific tone”. He has accumulated a wealth of experience performing with some of the world’s leading exponents of jazz and improvised music, recording and playing with internationally renowned musicians such as Larry Coryell, Lage Lund, Peter Bernstein, Norma Winstone, Brian Charette, Ronnie Cuber, Perico Sambeat, Van Morrison, Bobby Watson, Randy Ingram, Lars Jansson and Nir Felder. He has performed double-bill concerts with acts such as Kurt Elling, Herbie Hancock’s Head-hunters, Andrew Hill, Swedish piano trio EST and soul legend Gil-Scott Heron. Kevin is also an endorsed artist with Zildjian Cymbals, Vic Firth Drumsticks & Evans Drumheads.
Bill Carrothers is quite exceptional in this setting, having recorded with many acclaimed groups performing and recording with luminaries such as Gary Peacock, Billy Higgins, Dave Douglas and Curtis Fuller. He has performed sell-out residencies at the prestigious NYC jazz club, The Village Vanguard. He has been nominated for a French Gramophone Award for his solo album release, Excelsior, which is a collection of improvised piano pieces. Carrothers continues to raise the bar of jazz piano playing internationally.
Seamus Blake is one of the finest saxophonists on the music scene today. He has worked with a wide variety of artists. As a long-standing member of the Grammy-nominated Mingus Big Band, he is featured on six of their albums. Seamus continues to record and perform with artists such as Bill Stewart, David Kikowski, Antonio Sanchez, Kenny Barron, Sam Yahel, Randy Brecker, Wayne Krantz, Maria Schneider, Brad Mehldau, Brian Blade and Jack De Johnette. He has to date recorded on over 75 studio albums.
Dave Redmond is one of the most in-demand bassists in Europe, having performed with artists such as George Colligan, Bob Dorough, Eddie Reader, Keith Copeland, Georgie Fame, Jesse van Ruler, Bobby Wellins, Dave Liebman, Jason Rigby, Guy Barker, Ian Shaw, Jacqui Dankworth, Scott Hamilton, Norma Winstone, Bruce Adams, Jim Mullen and Chris McNulty. David also performs annually at the Cork, Derry and Bray Jazz Festivals in Ireland. He has appeared on over 35 albums of established Irish and international artists, while continuing to perform throughout Europe, U.S, Colombia, Ukraine, Kosovo and China.